Tuesday, March 04, 2008


From the Office of the United States Trade Representative, some NAFTA Fact Sheets:

1. NAFTA - Myth vs. Facts

2. NAFTA: An Annual Tax Cut and Income Gain for American Families

3. NAFTA Benefits

4. NAFTA - A Success for Trade

5. NAFTA Analysis

Bottom Line: By almost all measures, NAFTA has been a success: a) trade among NAFTA nations has tripled and has especially helped U.S. farm exports, b) NAFTA has NOT cost the U.S. jobs, has NOT supressed wages in the U.S. or Mexico and has NOT hurt the U.S. manufacturing base, and c) NAFTA has led to environmental improvements in Mexico.


At 3/04/2008 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know facts don't matter.

At 3/04/2008 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NAFTA is not a success when Canada can dump their trash here.

At 3/04/2008 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If by trash you mean oil, then yeah.

At 3/05/2008 9:47 AM, Blogger RightMichigan.com said...

Ah, Canadian trash... the bane of western civilization and all that is wrong with the universe.


At 3/06/2008 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By farms, of course, he means agribusiness.

Let's be honest here. Nafta has benefitted big corporations at the expense of the little guy.

At 3/06/2008 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always interesting to me that one of the groups that always push for labor in the United States to compete with 50 cent an hour labor in other nations are tenured university professors. The University Professors who can not be fired and have salaries subsidized by taxpayers. So the people who do not and can not compete in any way in a "free market" are the ones who tell others it is good for them to compete in the free market.

At 3/06/2008 5:15 PM, Blogger juandos said...

"Always interesting to me that one of the groups that always push for labor in the United States to compete with 50 cent an hour labor in other nations are tenured university professors"...

What's really interesting about the clueless whiners is that when the facts don't fit their delusional grip on reality attack the messenger instead of what the messenger is saying...

Instead attacking the potential credibility of the postings by the US Trade Representative with credible facts denoting a contrary result we just get more whining...

How about this bit irrational ranting?

"Nafta has benefitted big corporations at the expense of the little guy"...

Hmmm, who hires people in this country besides an ever increasing socialism driven government?

Why its big corporations and SMALL BUSINESS!!!

Imagine that!

At 8/01/2008 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heres a fact for you there has been a loss of jobs by anericans due to NAFTA. I know this because i am one of them. The factory that i worked in just shut down. The company decided to move the plant to mexico. Statistics dont really show anything but averages. There are several more people in my community and surrounding communites loseing thiers jobs because of NAFTA.


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