
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gross Hypocrisy: Trump Clothing Made in China, II

Donald Trump tells CNN in the video above: "When it comes to manufacturing, China is making all of these products. And they could be made in North Carolina, they could be made in Alabama, they could be made in lots of our places. And right now they’re not. Personally, I’d tax China very, very heavily."

MP: First, a clarification for The Donald: "Personally, I’d tax China American consumers and businesses who voluntarily decide to purchase products made in China for their price and/or value very, very heavily."

Then there's Exhibit A below of The Donald's gross hypocrisy, a "Made in China" label on one of his shirts being sold in a Manhattan Macy's about a year ago, via Salon, featured on CD about a year ago

And now here's Exhibit B below, a "Made in China" label on a Trump tie being sold at a Macy's in Fairfax, via Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek. 

The obvious questions for The Donald are: "Couldn't his clothing be made in North Carolina or Alabama?" and "Shouldn't his 'Made in China' clothing be heavily taxed with import tariffs?" 


  1. What THE DONALD was talking about applies to OTHERS (not to him) - Why? Because he "means well" and spoke up in defense of the ones losing jobs - and not simply making a profit ... That is, the criterion for assessing THE DONALD is NOT what he DOES, but what he says ...

    Imagine if THE DONALD has to compete in the marketplace like everyone else - He will lose - So, he MUST have access to the best there is - and enjoy HIS comparative advantage

    Again, when today's Liberals and Ignoramuses do something, they ask that they be judged NOT by what they do, but what they say

    Obama talks about oil being the fuel of the past (THis is for everyone else, he heeds HIS aviation fuel for vacations and golf trips)

    Warren Buffet talks about increasing taxes on the wealthy because he knows he can protect his own wealth ...

    Again, todays' Liberals ask that they be judged on what they SAY and not what they do

  2. Oh, I forgot to add - All of the factories that make things in the US (like airplanes, microprocessors, equipment for oil/gas fracking, designs for smartphones etc etc) are a figment of our imagination - In fact, ONLY the Chinese make anything. Next time you go to Silicon Valley OR drive through Route 128 OR any of the research parks/manufacturing parks - touch some company wall/door to see if they are real - THE DONALD knows that they are mirages - of factories/R&D/places that are in China.

  3. The obvious questions for The Donald are: "Couldn't his clothing be made in North Carolina or Alabama?" and "Shouldn't his 'Made in China' clothing be heavily taxed with import tariffs?"

    The answer is what do you expect? Human nature is what it is and Donald is doing what is best for Donald.

  4. "Shouldn't his 'Made in China' clothing be heavily taxed with import tariffs?"

    Ah, a quote reminiscent of Hamilton or Madison.


    The tariff on Mr. Trump's non U.S. sourced ties pictured are probably 7.5%.

    Trump is a hypocrite and could easily have his ties made in L.A. or N.Y. city. Make, baby, make.

  5. Donald Trump. one-time front-running GOP Presidential candidate, is a hypocrite?

    Now, I have no more true faith left, in anything.

  6. The comb-over made him do it.

  7. Dr. Perry, my donald? what, did someone just bite your cookie? pp

  8. Good luck getting the land to even think of building something here. I think I remember fascination with rechargeable batteries being made in China on 100 acre factories. Portlandia has only a handful of 100 acre sites ready to build in 6 months.

  9. Benji,

    "Now, I have no more true faith left, in anything."

    Sorry to hear that. I remember last year when you were cheerleading his candidacy here, actually calling him your "hero."

  10. Donald Trump. one-time front-running GOP Presidential candidate, is a hypocrite?

    The Donald is a Democrat.

  11. To the fools who would slap tariffs on imports, I refer you to this post from Carpe Diem from five years ago:

    55% of Imports are Inputs, Not Finished Goods

    " 55% of imports to the U.S. ($504 billion) were either "Industrial Supplies and Materials" ($299 billion) like iron, steel, rubber, aluminum, tin, lumber, newsprint, chemicals, etc. or "Capital Goods, Except Automotive" ($205 billion) like industrial machinery, engines, tools, instruments, etc. ...

    ... Tariffs on imports are essentially punitive taxes on the inputs of U.S. producers, and if you tax something you'll get less of it, including fewer jobs for Americans working at U.S. companies buying inputs from abroad.

    Furthermore, I believe that 55% understates the impact of imported goods on producers. Many finished goods which may appear to be consumer goods are also purchased by U.S. producers of goods and services. For example, my employer, a U.S. airline, purchases imported paper goods and plastic goods used on its flights. If tariffs raised the costs of the hundreds of such items we purchase, my employers profits would be lower, some marginal routes would become unprofitable, and fewer flight crews would be hired.

  12. More recent wisdom from Professor Perry on import tariffs:

    "domestic producers are often using foreign-produced inputs, parts and supplies, to manufacture products domestically, and in that case reducing tariffs on imports ("cutting taxes") helps domestic manufacturers by lowering the cost of their foreign inputs."

  13. Jet Beagle states:

    "Tariffs on imports are essentially punitive taxes on the inputs of U.S. producers, and if you tax something you'll get less of it, including fewer jobs for Americans working at U.S. companies buying inputs from abroad."


    What percentage of U.S. imports have tariffs? 4%

    What is the average tariff on that 4%? 4%

  14. Buddy,

    What is your point? Why did you offer that comment? Are you somehow arguing that Mark Perry was wrong? Are you saying that tariffs are not "punitive taxes on the inputs of U.S. producers'?

  15. "Buddy,

    What is your point? Why did you offer that comment? Are you somehow arguing that Mark Perry was wrong? Are you saying that tariffs are not "punitive taxes on the inputs of U.S. producers'?"

    Jet, no, but the impression should not be that the U.S. has much in the way tariffs remaining. I'm not sure there are any tariffs on industrial inputs -- "55% of U.S. imports".

  16. Buddy,

    I think this post by Mark was about Donald Trump's suggestion that goods from China should be taxed "very, very heavily". The arguments provided in Professor Perry's prior posts seemed relevant to the discussion of Trump's proposal.

    As I see it, Buddy, the productive of this nation need to maintain eternal vigilance against the foolish ideas of protectionists. We cannot give them an inch. Every small and insignificant tariff accepted just makes it that much easier for protectionists to gain acceptance.

    We should never appease the rent-seekers with monor concessions. We should fight constantly and with aggression every other person or persons who would assault our liberty.

  17. "The comb-over made him do it."...

    Its a 'lead tainted' comb over made in China methinks...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.


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