
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Santorum Is Now Leading Romney in the Polls, But Romney Is Still Way Ahead on Intrade: 4.5-to-1

The most recent Real Clear Politics polling average is showing Santorum (30.2%) with a 1.6% lead over Romney (28.6%), while the Intrade odds aren't even close: Romney's odds are 75.5% and Santorum is at 16.5% (see chart above), meaning that Romney is still a 4.5-to-1 favorite over Santorum. 


  1. Obama still crushes them both according to
    This country is doomed if we get another 4 years of the Alinskyite.

  2. "This country is doomed if we get another 4 years of the Alinskyite"...

    Heh! Three years agao paul the American Thinker ran this: Alinskyite in Chief Is a Master Polarizer...:-)

  3. Juandos, check out "Radical-in-Chief" by Stanley Kurtz.

  4. Hmm.

    Let's see, when Obama took office the GDP was contracting at a 10 percent annual rate, we were stuck in not one but two interminable wars, the financial system had collapsed, GM was bankrupt, the housing and commercial property markets had imploded, but the subsidized and mandated "green energy" ethanol market had exploded. That was after eight years of GOP domination in DC, including the GOP-appointed Bernanke.

    Obama has been seriously mediocre---and thus a vast improvement over Bush jr.

    The DJIA was at 8,000 when Obama was inaugurated, and now is just under 13k. That a rally of 60 percent. We are adding jobs. We are out of Iraq, and plan to leave Eatcrapistan. Property markets have stabilized, and getting better in many regions.

    Proof than even serious mediocrity is better than the Grifters on Parade: the GOP.

    I see no reason ever to vote for the GOP again. I held my nose and voted for Obama last time, and probably he was better than the warmonger McCain.

    I wonder if the GOP will foist Santorum upon the American public this go 'round. Intrade says no, but I wonder.

    Romney might be a good president, hard to tell. Santorum reminds me a fresh dog poop.

  5. Another long-winded, fact free, passionate defense of Obama from: "Benji"- ("I am not a leftist. Really, I'm not")

    Why not post your list of government agencies you pretend to want to eliminate? That will throw us all off the trail.


  6. Benji,

    "Santorum reminds me a fresh dog poop."

    Such a talented wordsmith. I hope the bar stool industry knows how lucky they are to have you among their own.

  7. Let's look at the Dow Jones on the day Bush Jr took office: 11,700. The day he left. 8,000.

    Okay, a 46 percent decline.

    Obama takes office at 8,000 and we are nearly at 13,000 now. A 60 percent increase. If that makes me a leftie, than I want lefties to run this country forever.

    Yeah, I am a big leftie alright. I want smaller government, and to keep out of foreign entanglements, and I think the USDA is a crock and ethanol if a rural sop and I want to trim entitlements.

    The fact that the GOP has become a confederacy of grifters and feckless poltroons does not make me a leftie.

    It only means the modern-day GOP is a hopeless septic tank of poop-dwellers, and i don't want to vote from them.

  8. Benji,

    "Obama takes office at 8,000 and we are nearly at 13,000 now. A 60 percent increase."

    Yes, that Obamacare, stimulus, and Dodd-Frank are such market making miracles! Oh, but how's that national debt coming along?

    "The fact that the GOP has become a confederacy of grifters and feckless poltroons does not make me a leftie."

    Thanks for the detailed analysis!


  9. ""Radical-in-Chief" by Stanley Kurtz"...

    That reminds me, I need to get an e-book type gadget...

  10. Amazon has the book for under $5. It's an eye opener.

  11. juandos

    "That reminds me, I need to get an e-book type gadget..."

    If you want ONLY to read e-books and nothing else, you might like the basic Nook.

    I chose it over the basic Kindle, because at the time, the Nook supported more e-book formats than Kindle, and you could share books with others as well as borrow from your local public library.

    I'm sure a lot has changed since then, so Nook might not still be the best choice.

    B&N brags of having over a million free books for Nook, including classics that are now in the public domain.

    And if you are interested in Austrian economics, Mises Institute has hundreds of free books and articles in .epub and .pdf format.

  12. "Let's look at the Dow Jones on the day Bush Jr took office: 11,700. The day he left. 8,000.

    Okay, a 46 percent decline. "

    Try again Marcie..

  13. "Amazon has the book for under $5. It's an eye opener"...

    Yeah paul I can imagine that the book would be a good read and I did check out the Amazon and noted that $5.00 price but thanks for reminding me to do that...

    I'm thinking about a small portable e-book reader because it is small & portable...

    I'm also thinking about an internet capable tablet since the price of an e-book reader and a tablet are coming closer together and the sizes are similer...

    Yeah ron h I've looked at the Nook and many others also...

    I'm prowling Von Mises library all the time...

    I have half a dozen back issues Free Man mag and dozens of pdf documents too on my laptop...

    The funny thing is that the problems we have today with liberals, socialism, ObamaCare aren't new by any stretch as the library has shown me...

  14. Junk is right a 31 percent decline....and I should check my math.

    Good catch, Junk.

  15. juandos: "The funny thing is that the problems we have today with liberals, socialism, ObamaCare aren't new by any stretch as the library has shown me..."

    No, those problems have been aroungd a long time. When I first read Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" I had to keep reminding myself that he wrote it in 1944. It exactly describes today.

    One consideration, if it matters, is that an e-ink display, as opposed to a color display, uses much less battery as it doesn't refresh the screen like a color display does. I have gone literally weeks without recharging. In fact, it most often gets charged because I'm adding another book from PC via USB.

  16. Here is a good article on why Rick Santorum is the worst possible choice the Republican party can make, and will guarantee that not only it will lose the 2012 election, but will cause a split in its personality and a third party.

    Rick Santorum's popularity ought to be troubling to any free-market person.

  17. Obama has been seriously mediocre---and thus a vast improvement over Bush jr.

    Sorry Benji but even though Bush was one of the worst presidents ever Obama has been far worse. The sad thing for Republicans is that Mitt is not much better than either and Santorum is a step down from both.

  18. The RNC (Romney Nominating Committee) has made their choice clear. Romney will be the "R" brand choice, at any cost. The banksters are in the tank for Romney over Obama at 6:1. They've telegraphed the last three winners.

  19. Benji,

    Would you agree that the stock market tends to look 3 to 6 months ahead? In my mind, it started to crater exactly when it became apparent that Obama was likely to beat McCain.

  20. Atlanta Dude-

    I wasn't sure who was going to win until Election Night. It was close.

    In 2008, they said Kerry would win (exit polls), and then Bush jr. won.

    2000 was way too close to call at any time.

    Unless you have a clear landslide (LBJ-Goldwater), I don't think Wall Street assumes either candidate will win.


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