
Monday, February 13, 2012

The Economics of Valentine's Day

Featuring George Mason economist Chris Coyne.


  1. If you buy her a share of stock in the Teddy Bear company you are signaling to her that you've paid attention to her desires, spent the money on something other than the Teddy Bear, and invested it all at once.

  2. He's a real romantic, eh?

  3. First of all, I heart GMU economics. Coyne is yet another reason.

    Second, I hate Valentine's Day with every fiber of my being. That fake romance crap once a year can't hold a candle to my husband's daily spontaneous acts of kindness for nearly twenty years. Now, that's romance. I banned it before we were married.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  4. Methinks: "Second, I hate Valentine's Day with every fiber of my being. That fake romance crap once a year can't hold a candle to my husband's daily spontaneous acts of kindness for nearly twenty years. Now, that's romance. I banned it before we were married."

    You didn't like my card? I'm crushed. :)

    From your comments on the subject, your husband sounds like a remarkable man. It seems you are a lucky woman.

    We don't get to hear his views, but I imagine he would make similar comments.

  5. He he he, Ron H!

    My husband is a remarkable man and I am incredibly lucky.

    You do get to hear his views through me occasionally (I type much faster). Thing is, we don't disagree on anything of substance, so his views and mine are pretty much one and the same. Actually, I can't think of anything we disagree on at all. We're both partial to logical arguments and each has argued the other out of and into things over the years. We're also both in the same profession and work together, so we understand each other very well.

    Very very lucky. I can only hope others find such happiness.

    Happy Valentine's Day. (I was offered red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing, so I've understandably softened to the holiday this time).


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