Al Gore's New $9 Million Ocean-View Villa in CA

Al Gore's testimony to the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee: "I believe that the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us. And I have invested in it. But every penny that I have made, I have put right into a nonprofit, the Alliance for Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge. And, Congresswoman, if you’re… if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me."
Doug Ross: "Don't you love these hypocritical Climatards? They want to control your lives: how big your car can be, how much water your toilet can hold, the kind of light bulbs you can use. They even think there are limits on how much money you should be able to make. But they put no limits on what they can have. Kind of like the old Soviet Politburo. Which is the kind of society they intend for us."
See this CD post about Al "Bigfoot" Gore's enormous electric bill at his 20-room, 8 bathroom Nashville estate (pictured below, note the fleet of SUVs), where he burned through 19 times as much electricity as the average U.S. household in 2007. The Gores also own a home in Virginia and another one in Tennessee.
"On the other hand, Michelle Bachman (R-Minn.), a public servant, gets federal crop subsidies"...
Still clueless and silly as ever, eh pseudo benny?
You just must love getting flogged on these blog sites!
Won't Gore's house be buried under the rising ocean?
Jaundiced-os: It is a matter of record that Bachmaan receives large sums of money in the form of crop and diary subsidies, from taxpayers.
Curiously, she is a rising star on the American "right." Although how a "right-winger" can take dole and call herself a right-winger..well, that the right-wing of today.
Do you wish to dispute that? If so, explain.
Look pseudo benny its been explained to you by me more than once and by several others more than once also...
How come you don't get bent out of shape over Social Security which is really expensive?
I tell you why, you're lacking the basic tools of understanding...
You are dodging the question, the way a weasel would hide from a wolf.
"Benny the left-wing moron",
Al Gore, and his family, has received millions upon millions in federal taxpayer subsidies. Study his family's history in tobacco farming and Oxy-Petroleum. Further, his film "An Inconvenient Bunch of Lies" has been purchased by public school systems and used to indoctrinate children into his green cult. It has also helped to promote investment in the "green companies" he owns vast amounts of stock in, all of which receive millions in government subsidies. Try selling your ignorant left-wing crap to people who don't know any better.
Al already had a property in California only a few blocks from the Pacific Ocean:
San Francisco, California December 27, 2005 -- Following news that Al Gore and wife Tipper have purchased a multimillion dollar condo at the new St. Regis highrise in San Francisco ...
To much of the country, the estimated $2 million the Gores spent for their condo might seem astronomically high, but in the pricey San Francisco market it's considered reasonable.
Amenities at the building include 24-hour room service, butler service, a fitness center, spa, lap pool, even a world class restaurant that's been receiving rave reviews.
"With such high demand for this kind of luxury living, if the Gores decide to move out in a couple of years, they could pocket at least $500,000 in profit," says Matthews ...
Being a "man of the people" sure does seem to pay well.
Anonymous said... "Won't Gore's house be buried under the rising ocean?"
Maybe he doesn't really believe in climate change either.
Here's a perfect example of how Al Gore and his lefty friends are stealing the country blind:
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore thought he had spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Mr. Gore is a partner.
The company, Silver Spring Networks, produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. It came to Mr. Gore’s firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital providers ...
Mr. Gore and his partners decided to back the company, and in gratitude Silver Spring retained him and John Doerr, another Kleiner Perkins partner, as unpaid corporate advisers.
The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants. Of the total, more than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts. Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years.
The New York Times
Get the picture "Benny"? This is how the Democrats steal your children's and grandchildren's money, making themselves filthy rich. And all the while, lecturing us on how we need to make sacrifices to protect the environment.
You are such a little fool.
WASHINGTON -- A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000.
The award this week to California startup Fisker Automotive Inc. follows a $465 million government loan to Tesla Motors Inc., purveyors of a $109,000 British-built electric Roadster. Tesla is a California startup focusing on all-electric vehicles, with a number of celebrity endorsements that is backed by investors that have contributed to Democratic campaigns.
The awards to Fisker and Tesla have prompted concern from companies that have had their bids for loans rejected, and criticism from groups that question why vehicles aimed at the wealthiest customers are getting loans subsidized by taxpayers.
"This is not for average Americans," said Leslie Paige, a spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, an anti-tax group in Washington. "This is for people to put something in their driveway that is a conversation piece. It's status symbol thing."
DOE officials spent months working with Fisker on its application, touring its Irvine, Calif., and Pontiac, Mich., facilities and test-driving prototypes.
So, "Benny", what do you have to say about these enfeebled, cousin-marrying, subsidy collecting leftist dirtbags?? Scales falling from your eyes yet? Or, are you too far gone?
Is Gore going to follow Sheryl Crow's
suggestion and use only one piece of toilet paper per "sitting" in each of the nine bathrooms?
Wasn't there a post a few weeks ago from "Time" how people were going to buy fewer MegaMansions? Al must not have read it. But if "Newsweek" is in bad financial shape, "Time" is likely to be too.
Both Democrat and Republican pigs feeding at the public trough deserve criticism.
Unbelievable. This fraudulent buffoon Gore lives like an absolute king and there are STILL people out there defending him.
As for government subsidies of some agriculture (not all ag is subsidized, Benjamin), at least there is some rational basis for it. Specifically, there is a national security argument for maintaining food production in one's own country. Reasonable people can disagree on this issue but there is NO reasonable explanation for Al Gore's outright fraud and theft.
I will say this: Gore purchase of that ridiculous house is paid for, in part by taxpayers like me.
The home mortgage interest tax deduction. No matter it is Gore's second (at least) home, no matter it is a multi-million-dollar extravaganza.
The home mortgage interest tax deduction results in extra hundreds of billions of dollars flowing into consumption--housing--rather than productive investments.
That is the real story behind this easy shot at Gore.
End the homeowner mortgage interest tax deduction--or at least limit it to first homes worth less than $1 million--and you won't have to snivel about the Gores of the world buying such luxury manses.
Look how Benji dodges the issue by changing it to the home mortgage deduction. HEY BENJI, a tax deduction is not in the same universe as a welfare payment, or a federal handout(cuz you know the right people)for some bullshit "green" widget.
"Curiously, she is a rising star on the American "right." Although how a "right-winger" can take dole and call herself a right-winger..well, that the right-wing of today. "
And your boyfriend Barack is the grand champion of Big Ag. Who is the more important player? But on the other hand, a case could be made the Left is incapable of hypocrisy here because everyone expects them to rape the taxpayer anyway.
Who would have thougt Gaia worship would be that profitable?
"Why are all you capitalists against owning property?"...
Why are you so dense as to pull a pseudo benny?
I mean geez! anon posted a couple of prime examples and yet you either didn't bother to read them or maybe you just don't understand their contents...
Do you think its a good thing that some of your tax dollars are underwriting Gore's rampant hypocrisy?
"Why such venom for a fellow traveller?"...
Who's fellow traveler?
Still haven't gotten over the 2000 elections yet?
Benjamin: So in your view the main problem with Al Gore's California palace is not the way he obtained it but instead the mortgage interest tax deduction??
The truth is Gore has become fabulously wealthy by pushing a massive fraud on the public while secretly making financial moves to profit from said fraud and also while getting politico friends to funnel huge amounts of tax dollars into his green schemes. No one here is opposed to capitalism. We are opposed to fraud and government handouts to the perpetrators of fraud (Al Gore).
Benji somehow claims to be a conservative, yet he voted for Obama like all the cool kids did. I must admit his twisted arguments are unique, but still repulsive in their dishonesty.
Milton Friedman despised the homeowner mortgage interest tax deduction. Get real.
As for Gore's gains being ill-gotten, there has never been any charges filed against him, so this strikes me as mumbo-jumbo.
I think he is a blow-hard.
"Milton Friedman despised the homeowner mortgage interest tax deduction. Get real."
He also despised socialist health care, yet you endorse single payer and utter nary a peep over your boyfriend's takeover of the industry.
"As for Gore's gains being ill-gotten, there has never been any charges filed against him, so this strikes me as mumbo-jumbo."
So then where are the charges against Michelle Bachmann?
Nobody said Gore's massive taxpayer shakedowns are technically illegal. Your boyfriend Barack would be breaking rocks in the hot sun right now if all flavors of crony capitalism were punishable in court.
"Milton Friedman despised the homeowner mortgage interest tax deduction"...
Prove it pseudo benny...
The Nashville BelleMeade house is currently a bit soggy. There have been news images of the flash floods on the main road it is adjacent to.
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