Thursday, February 25, 2010

International Air Traffic Improves at Year-end

"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported December and full-year 2009 demand statistics for international scheduled air traffic that showed the industry ending 2009 with the largest ever post-war decline. Passenger demand for the full year was down 3.5% with an average load factor of 75.6%. Freight showed a full-year decline of 10.1% with an average load factor of 49.1%."

But there were some encouraging year-end improvements:

1. "December 2009 passenger demand recorded a 4.5% improvement compared to December 2008 (see chart above), with a load factor of 77.6%. While this is an 8.4% demand improvement from the February 2009 low point, it is still 3.4% below the early 2008 peak.

2. December 2009 freight demand showed a 24.4% improvement on December 2008 (see chart) with a load factor of 54.1%. This improvement is exaggerated by the exceptionally weak performance in December 2008 which was the low point on the cycle. Freight demand is still 9% lower than the peak in early 2008. Optimism is returning to the industry as purchasing managers survey indicators reached a 44-month high in December pointing towards increased freight volumes in the coming months."


At 2/26/2010 12:34 PM, Blogger Jet Beagle said...

Optimism may be returing to the air freight business. The Air Trasport Association is not sounding very optimistic about the passenger side of the industry:

Reuters, 23-Feb-2010: "The trade association expects the industry to take at least three years to recover from the slump in demand caused by high fuel prices and a pullback in spending amid a weak economy."

Meanwhile, the furloughs continue:

Reuters, Feb 8, 2010: “United Parcel Service announced plans Monday to layoff at least 300 pilots as the very gradual pace of the US economic recovery necessitates further cost-cutting.”

USA Today, Jan 22, 2010: “American Airlines said Friday it sent notices to 80 pilots that they will lose their jobs at the end of February. Officials said there could be a second round of furloughs in the spring.”


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