Saturday, June 06, 2009

Larry Kudlow: The "Economic Man-Cession"

From last night's "The Kudlow Report" show on CNBC.


At 6/06/2009 7:24 PM, Blogger marketdoc said...

Ya gotta luv Larry. No matter what he reports on. Always interesting. Always controversial.

At 6/07/2009 1:47 PM, Blogger misterjosh said...

Interesting that they couldn't get a more gender diverse panel of talking heads to talk about this issue. 4 guys, and one of the most masculine women on TV.

At 6/08/2009 6:48 AM, Blogger juandos said...

"4 guys, and one of the most masculine women on TV"...

Hmmm, Is misterjosh feeling his manhood being threatened by a smarter, skinny, blonde chic?


At 6/08/2009 10:46 AM, Blogger misterjosh said...

How do you get "manhood being threatened" from what I said?

I actually agree with most of what
Ann Coulter had to say, I just find her to be one of those women who has doesn't seem to embrace her femininity. I think she would be moderately attractive if it weren't for her bombastic divisiveness.

I'm impressed (and a little jealous) by your low humor threshold. rolling on the flooor lauging your ass off? wow.

At 6/08/2009 12:11 PM, Blogger juandos said...

"I think she would be moderately attractive if it weren't for her bombastic divisiveness"...

'bombastic divisiveness'?!?!

Since when is NOT dancing around the facts considered bombastic divisiveness?

I'm always reminded of James Carville whining about Coulter when she reminds him of facts he'd rather people didn't remember...


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