What is true for uncle Warren is not true for Joe Sixpack. Warren has the ability to hedge the risk where as Joe is just prey for a bunch of fee collecting snakes. Joe would be better off telling the den of theives on Wall Street and overpaid CEO's to take a hike, pay off his debts the invest in himself.
buy low sell high
nothing earth shattering about this concept.
The expression may not be that special, but the execution is.
Like this one: "With $40 Billion to invest, you can afford to be wrong once in a while"
kind of like this one, lars:
sour grapes
or you can be like jumpy Jim Cramer, over flip stocks like a fool, and have all your hair jump ship by your mid 30's.
How about this.
"The bottom of the bear market is where fear and greed come face to face."
-- Connie Wright, my sister-in-law
Could be the mantra for the Global Warming Believers
Buffet will be wrong, even if he seems to prove correct.
What is true for uncle Warren is not true for Joe Sixpack. Warren has the ability to hedge the risk where as Joe is just prey for a bunch of fee collecting snakes. Joe would be better off telling the den of theives on Wall Street and overpaid CEO's to take a hike, pay off his debts the invest in himself.
> "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."
~Warren Buffet
I fear the greed of government bureaucrats for power over my pocketbook.
What about that, Mr. Buffet?
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