2008 Job Market Looks Good for College Grads

CNN--The average starting salary offer is 4% higher for 2008 graduates than last year's alumni, according to a recent study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Additionally, hiring is expected to increase by 8%. (Chart above show average starting salaries by discipline.)
Via Club for Growth.
The big surprise to me (from a UK perspective) is how high nursing ranks.
I can see that the other high ranked specialities reqire unusual talents as well as hard work of a kind that many people find aversive - but nursing?
The ability to learn nursing is not unusual, and it is generally regarded as an intriniscally rewarding 'human contact' kind of job that doesn't usually need a large salary bonus to make people do it.
Why isn't the US market flooded with Nursing graduates?
BGC, are you a nurse? Have you ever tried to "learn nursing"? Do you know what is included in typical nursing curriculum?
I can't speak for the UK. But, I have an undergraduate degree in Engineering and an MS in Management with an Economics emphasis from US universities. My wife is pursuing a BS in Nursing, so I have the benefit of knowing what all three study.
Nursing programs are not trivial, as your post suggests. It is actually offensive, as it suggests that Nursing does not require unique talents or hard work.
So journalism is at the bottom of the heap. Therefore despite the brilliance of journalist graduates they don’t get paid much. Ergo, capitalism must be at fault … it doesn’t work, for journalists. Therefore journalists must change the system to give them better outcomes.
That would explain the left-wing MSM
Can anyone explain the discrepancy between the data provided by the NACE and the data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics? Some of the differences are quite large for starting salaries. Does the NACE data include students with graduate degrees?
I think these type of charts are a bit misleading. For example, if you get a degree in Communications or PR and you get a job, yes you starting salary will be around $30-40k. However, that chart doesn't tell you that it is very very hard to find a job in that field.
Never trust these numbers...all garbish.
Since the Dept. of Labour data is for thousands of different jobs, I suspect it is more accurate.
Nursing is in high demand with an aging demographic in both the US and Canada. The price reflects a global shortage of supply of skilled nurses. The average age of a nurse in the U.S. in 2004 was 46.8 yrs.
While the above link is to a Nursing Advocacy group, it does provide some information regarding projected shortfalls of nurses in the U.S., nursing surveys, etc. Nursing is a very demanding field. With so many career choices available for women, nursing is no longer the career of choice.
NACE surveys the top candidates for each major and extrapolates... or something.
I'm studying to become a nurse, and i'm male. hopefully i can start making over 50 k a year because i need it to pay some debts.
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