Ron Paul Unplugged

Ron Paul on Personal Freedom, Drugs, Prostitution and Gay Marriage:
1. A video of John Stossel's interview of Ron Paul here (click on Ron Paul's picture on the right side of the screen).
2. John Stossel's article about Ron Paul, "Live and Let Live, Says One Candidate."
Are you sure you like Ron Paul?
Are Democrats sure they like Robert C. Byrd?
His resume includes:
1. U.S. Senator from West Virginia.
2. Retired K.K.K. poo-bah.
Byrd apologized and renounced his KKK days. Paul? Not so much.
P.S. Byrd ain't running for president.
P.P.S. Your logic would tie the Republican party to pedophile Mark Foley, bathroom-cruiser Larry Craig and diaper fetishist David Vitter. You sure you want to go down that road?
P.P.P.S. How could I forget Republican (and Ron Paul favorite) David Dike?
David Dike? Did I say that? Heh heh. David DUKE, of course!
To what party did the Louisiana congressman belong that had $100k cash in his freezer?
I guess everyone keeps $100k cash in their freezer.
I am surprised that you support Ron Paul given his views on fiat currency.
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