
Friday, March 09, 2012

More on Today's Employment Report

The chart above shows "j0b leavers" as a percent of all unemployed workers, which has been steadily increasing since the summer of 2010 and rose to 7.9% in February, the highest level since December of 2008.  As First Trust Portfolios pointed out today, "That’s what we should expect to see as attitudes about the job market improve: more workers who are confident they can leave their current position and find a better one."

Also, the increase in total civilian employment over the last 12 months through February 2012 of 2.5 million workers is the largest 12-month job increase since the 12-month period ending in March 2007. 


  1. at this rate, how long will it take for the labor force participation rate to return to pre-recession levels...

  2. All well and good but since the bottom of employment in early 2010 the annual rate of growth is only 1.4%. We are nowhere close to getting those that lost their jobs back to work as the work force is increasing at a 0.8% rate.


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