Record Low Rating for Dems 41% vs. 42% for Reps

PRINCETON, NJ -- "Americans' favorable rating of the Democratic Party dropped to 41% in a late March USA Today/Gallup poll, the lowest point in the 18-year history of this measure. Favorable impressions of the Republican Party are now at 42%, thus closing the gap between the two parties' images that has prevailed for the past four years."
From an April 6, 2010 Rasmussen Reports poll: Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 47%, Democrats 38%
Hmmm, an interesting dichotomy in what the polls might be saying...
If Rasmussen is right (and his polling has been dead on in past few cycles), the Republicans should have about a 40 seat margin after the November election (80 seat loss for Dems). The Republicans had a 58 seat margin after the 1946 election on a similar popular margin. Depending on events between now and November, the Democrats could still challenge the record losses of 125 seats in 1894.
Call it the Obama effect.
Americans are finally waking up to the fact that many Democrat politicians are just power-hungry socialists in denial.
"If Rasmussen is right (and his polling has been dead on in past few cycles), the Republicans should have about a 40 seat margin after the November election (80 seat loss for Dems)"...
Yeah junkyard_hawg1985 even the liberals agree with your assesment of Rasmussen...:-)
Now can the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
"Americans are finally waking up to the fact that many Democrat politicians are just power-hungry socialists in denial"...
Could it also now be a new and unalloyed fear of all Obama policies?
I would prefer to see both numbers continue to go down. While I certainly want the Dems to lose so that we can slow down the decent to socialism in the near term, neither party can muster any principled defense of individual rights. Both parties are ultimately statist.
"neither party can muster any principled defense of individual rights. Both parties are ultimately statist"...
IMHO that is an excellent call...
Imagine where Obama and the Democrat numbers would be without the constant drumbeat of the mainstream media and Hollywood narratives.
"Americans' favorable rating of the Democratic Party dropped to 41% in a late March USA Today/Gallup poll, the lowest point in the 18-year history of this measure"
what that chart shows is that the democrats are now becoming just as hated as the republicans are.
well good, i wish we could throw them all out. what this country needs is random redistricting.
"well good, i wish we could throw them all out. what this country needs is random redistricting"...
Well bobble maybe you can start an amendment process to change a portion of Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution...
Obama has managed to do to the Democrats in two years what it took George Bush eight years to accomplish.
Well, at least you can't say that he's inefficient.
Of course, it doesn't matter. He's already destroyed the country. Who cares about the party unless we can gut the health care destruction legislation.
"neither party can muster any principled defense of individual rights. Both parties are ultimately statist"..'
Yes, but that's all we've got. A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Democrats. Sad, but true.
At least the Republicans didn't shove down our throats legislation that 2/3 of the nation was vehemently against. Yes, they're both statists, but Republican legislation was easier to reverse than entitlement nightmares passed by Democrats.
I'm not a fan of the Republican party - by a long shot. But, the "scorched earth" economic policies of the Democrats are just Demonic. Normally, I like gridlock because it's the best of the three crappy possible outcomes. But, now, I have to help get as many Republicans elected as possible with a clear mandate to gut the health care destruction legislation. That makes me unhappy because Republicans turn into Democrats lite after about two years.
I think people will look back on the 2008 elections as the point in time that America began a rapid freefall into hard tyranny (oh, it's likely to end in hard tyranny - the signs and institutions are all already there).
meethinks:"A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Democrats."
over on the demo blogs they say that 'a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for republicans' :o]
That's probably because the SEIU has decided to organize a third party. Apparently, the Democrats are not socialist enough for them.
But, in the last few elections, when a third party candidate runs it's usually a guy who is more libertarian and he usually sucks the votes from the Republican candidate. That's how Clinton won his first election.
The two parties have over time put enough laws on the books to virtually prevent the formation of a serious third party. While third parties may pop up from time to time, we have to recognize that the reality is that we're stuck with the two we have. Even Ron Paul runs as a candidate of one of the two big parties.
methinks:"That's how Clinton won his first election."
i hear you. but, consider that demos blame bush 2000 on nader.
" . . . the reality is that we're stuck with the two we have. "
Give me a Choice, not an Echo
Barry Goldwater was the first president I ever voted for. To this day I believe we would be living in a better world had he been elected. The Democrats are what they have always been. My problem is that when Ronald Reagan left office the Republicans went over to the dark side of big government. I want the Republican Party to offer a “Choice, not an Echo.” If they do, and there are signs they will, then I will again support it. If the best they can offer is that Democrats are worse the forget it. I will vote third party.
I guess Americans are having trouble accepting the arrogant, power-mad, fraudulent incompetence of the party in power.
Kicking the Dems out of office and keeping the Reps feet to the fire is about all we can do.
I just wish the Republicans could get their act together and offer a consistent unified alternative.
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