Twitter Venn Diagrams

At the Twitter Venn website, you enter two or three search terms and then view a Venn diagram showing the tweet frequency per day of each term separately, and the frequency of overlap between and among the terms. As a bonus, you also get a small word map of the most common terms related to each search term; tweets per day for each term by itself and each combination of terms; and a recent tweet.
The example above shows the Venn diagram result for tweets containing the names President Obama, Tiger Woods and Paris Hilton. Notice the ranking: Tiger Woods (10,553 per day), President Obama (8,407 per day) and Paris Hilton (4,290 per day), and also note that there are fewer than 10 tweets per day with: a) both Presdient Obama and Tiger Woods and b) both Tiger Woods and Paris Hilton; and no tweets with President Obama and Paris Hilton.
From the Harvard Business Review blog post "Four Ways of Looking at Twitter."
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