Monday, September 21, 2009

5th Straight Monthly Increase in Leading Indicators

Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) -- The index of U.S. leading economic indicators in August rose for the fifth straight time, capping the longest stretch of gains since 2004 and signaling a recovery is under way (see chart above). The Conference Board’s gauge of the economic outlook for the next three to six months rose 0.6 percent, in line with forecasts, after a revised 0.9% rise in July, according to data that the New York-based group released today.

The gains in stock prices, consumer confidence and homebuilding that are buoying the leading index bolster Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s view that the worst recession since the Great Depression has probably ended.


At 9/21/2009 3:05 PM, Anonymous GregL said...

The use of the word "buoying" may come back to haunt somebody.

At 9/21/2009 3:24 PM, Anonymous Benny "The Real Libertarian" Cole said...

Cargo through the huge Los Angeles-Long Beach seaports is rebounding, see cover graphic in Wall Street Journal today.
The Fat Lady is singing for this recession. She is a littel demure right now, but in a couple more months she is going to be belting out the hits, all hot and sweaty, her huge boobs bouncing up and down.
You can join in the fun, or sit on the sidelines.

At 9/21/2009 9:41 PM, Blogger juju said...

I only looked at the March bottom, but is this thing really leading the market?
I know it is supposed to be the leading the economy and not the market, but..........

At 9/21/2009 11:12 PM, Blogger moneybagzz said...

The only thing that can derail the recovery is ......


Like a trade war w/ the Chinese over TIRES.

Or maybe ill-timed tax hikes.

Be vigilant!


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