Higher Ed Employees: 281% vs. 101% vs. 17%

The chart above is from the American Association of University Professors showing the percentage increases from 1976 to 2005 in higher education employees:
Full-time professional employees (non-faculty): 281%
Full-time administrators: 101%
Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty: 17%
Here's another look:

Wow! Who are all the non-faculty employees, and what do they do?
There's your cost increase.
I wonder what the disparity is between growth in college professor salaries and growth in tuition rates?
Shouldn't that be "Higher Ed" instead of "Highed Ed". Or are we discussing educators who are high on drugs?
Thanks Rand, it's fixed now.
Do these charts mark the twilight of the University System, now degenerated into a yacht club for the children of the *old money*? Can poor families send their children to the local library computer to pick up better education without going deeply into dreary debt to the wealthy? Does today's university have more spring break tour directors on the lido deck than graduate students studying deep within the interstices of the library's stacks?
U B Judge
Corporate America and now much of corporate International have been flattening their organizations. This has been the result of effective efficiencies of process restructuring from deployment of computer networks and data bases. Educational institutions at every level don't seem to have any urgency to do the same.
Prof. Perry thank you for exposing this situation to those of us outside of higher ed. Accountability to an informed and demanding public may help this situation.
BTW, why don't the administrators walk across campus to the business and info technology schools. They could then sit down with the people that teach Management and IT efficiencies and put together a study group to flatten the campus organization. Invoke a deadline for recommendations and then start implementing!
I'm sorry, I was day dreaming! There needs to be a push with a mandate from outside campus for this to happen.
So will education be the next bubble to burst?
There have been reports for years in the University of California system that administrators have been receiving ridiculously generous benefit packages to allow the UC's to remain 'competitive', whatever the hell that means.
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