A First: Microsoft OS Market Share Falls Below 90%

PC ADVISOR -- Microsoft's share of the operating system market dipped below 90% for the first time during November with Windows accounting for 89.6% of computers accessing the web, according to Net Applications. The research firm, which monitors 40,000 websites to establish market share and trends, said the figure marked a 0.84% drop from October - the largest Windows market share decline since 2006.
Apple's Mac OS X was the biggest beneficiary of Windows' decline, achieving 8.9% of the market by the end of November. Net Applications said Apple's OS has now accounted for more than 8% of the market for three months in a row.
MP: Among many other blog statistics, Sitemeter tracks the operating systems of those visiting Carpe Diem (see chart above), showing that Windows has a 86.50% share of CD visits, Mac OS X has a 12.2% share, and Linux 1.3%.
HT: Ben Cunningham
ubuntu - An excellent Linux operating system. Easy to install and getting more and more user-friendly every release. If you're slightly tech-savvy and want to get away from Microsoft, and can't afford an new Apple, check out Ubuntu.
Another way to look at this is that Vista and Mac have similar market share. That looks less impressive for Mac!
I tried Ubuntu on my laptop, it was a pain in my butt. Then, after I found out I had hardware issues with it, it is very difficult to remove. YMMV.
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