
Interesting Google Trend search result:
#1 Goolge searches (per capita) in the world for "Paris Hilton"
By Country: Ecuador, S. Africa, El Salvador, Venezuela, Australia
By City: Melbourne, Sydney, Irvine CA, Caracas, Bogota
By Language: Indonesian, Macedonian, Tagalog (Phillipines), Turkish, Estonian
What's up with that?
#1 Goolge searches (per capita) in the world for "Paris Hilton"
By Country: Ecuador, S. Africa, El Salvador, Venezuela, Australia
By City: Melbourne, Sydney, Irvine CA, Caracas, Bogota
By Language: Indonesian, Macedonian, Tagalog (Phillipines), Turkish, Estonian
What's up with that?
Google Trends works based on percentage increases, not just sheer volume. In America (and presumably other western countries), the number of searches for Paris Hilton is consistently large, so a shock like the recent news coverage would have a smaller impact on the overall figure. In the non-Western world, we would expect interest in Paris Hilton to spike at certain times, but to have a much lower average.
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