
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The College Degree Gap for Blacks is Huge: 2:1

In 2009, there were more than two college degrees awarded to black women for one every degree earned by a black man.

The table above is based on data from the Department of Education on college degrees by sex and race/ethnicity, and compares black college graduates by gender for the Classes of 1977 and 2009 (most recent year available). The chart displays the number of degrees earned by black females for every 100 degrees earned by black males. There is huge gender "degree gap" for the general population but that gap is much, much wider for black college graduates compared to the degree gap for all racial/ethnic groups.

For example, there were more than 250 master's degrees awarded in 2009 to black females for every 100 degrees earned by black men, and that degree gap is the widest, followed by the degree gap for Associate's degrees (217.5 black females per 100 males) and Doctor's (Ph.D. and Ed.D.) degrees (198.5 black women per 100).  

Consider also that in 1976-1977, black men outnumbered black women for doctor's degrees and professional degrees (MDs and JDs) and there were 100 doctor's degrees earned by black men for every 63.6 degrees awarded to black females, and 100 professional degrees for black men for every 44.1 degrees earned by black women (more than a 2:1 ratio in favor of black men). By 2009, the gender imbalance had completely reversed and black women outnumbered black men by almost 2-to-1 for doctor's degrees and by 1.63-to-1 for professional degrees. 

In 2009, President Obama signed an executive order to create the White House Council on Women and Girls.  When it comes to successfully completing college degrees, it's clear that it's black men who have fallen way behind black women to become the "second sex" in higher education.  Despite requests to create a similar White House Council on Boys to Men to address the challenges facing boys and men, including the reality that they have become the "second sex" in higher education, Obama seems determined to only address challenges faced by one sex - women, and has shown no interest in addressing the challenges faced by boys and men.  The huge and growing gender imbalance in the black community for attaining college degrees is a serious challenge that you would think would attract some attention, but it has gone largely ignored. 

When there were gender imbalances in college sports it was addressed with federal legislation - Title IX legislation.  Where's the concern today about the growing academic gender disparities in higher education, especially for African-American men?


  1. so we hear a lot more women graduate from college of all races.
    therefore, government subsidies for college are largely subsidies for women. Women do well when it comes to government benefits. That might explain some of the gender gap in politics with women favoring democrats. It all just ends up being about money.

  2. What percentage of these degrees are in subjects that will actually be useful in getting a job (outside of some government agency)?

  3. bix1951: "government subsidies for college are largely subsidies for women."

    Perhaps some women receive economic benefit from all those subsidies for college education.
    But I think the real beneficiaries of government subsidies for college are the employees of those public colleges.

    It should not be surprsing that the Center for Responsive Politics found that Democrats are the primary beneficiaries of educators’ federal political donations.

  4. Need has nothing to do with anything. Government programs are all about vote buying.

  5. methinks: "Government programs are all about vote buying."

    Yes, and I think elected officials participate in both the buying and the selling.

    Type 1 transaction: Politicians use social transfers to buy votes of the electorate.

    Type 2 transaction: Those same politicians sell legislative votes to corporations seeking subsidies and government expenditures.

    IMO, elected officials see Type 1 transactions as a means to ensure continued Type 2 transactions (bribes).

  6. Part of the blame must go to the colleges & universities themselves. Even if the colleges are doing enough on the minority admissions side, they're not doing enough to strengthen & support black men to complete their course of study.

  7. the numbers for ratios of white women to men in college has changed over the last forty years although not as dramatically.

  8. Colleges are doing too much on the admissions side. They're admitting minorities who are unprepared for the course work in order to increase minority admissions. They're also passing failing minority students.

  9. moneyjihad: "they're not doing enough to strengthen & support black men to complete their course of study."

    Do you think a black man in college receives less support than any other college student who is not a black man?

    Can you be more specific about what colleges should be doing to "strenghen and support black men"? Should colleges provide a private tutor for ever underperforming black man? I think some do so for their athletes.

  10. bix1951: that makes no sense, because the vast majority of women who vote have no further plans to pursue further education, either because they don't plan to go to college or because they've already graduated.

  11. LOL, someone needs to sue the government for an inverse Title IX, that they are over protecting women while under protecting men, which should be a violation of equal protection.

    I volunteer if someone wants a "victim" to bring suit.

  12. >>> What percentage of these degrees are in subjects that will actually be useful in getting a job (outside of some government agency)?

    I wondered about that myself...

  13. "they're not doing enough to strengthen & support black men to complete their course of study"...

    Why should colleges and universities go through this 'strengthen & support' crapola moneyjihad?

    It sounds like said student is just wasting desk space in the classroom if they're not ready to do the work that's required...

  14. A major reason is that 1/3 of young black males wind up in prison plus I suspect a lot more are doing dumb stuff to go to prison but haven't got caught yet. Thus, college is not on their minds.

  15. "I wondered about that myself"...

    Well obh according to that outfit, The Daily Beast these are the 20 Most Useless Degrees...

    Its a nice list of courses that doesn't overstep the bounds of political correctness...

    On the other hand if that whole 'PC' means nothing then there's this list which I think is a bit closer to reality: Worst College Majors

    The worst college majors are fields of study that leave the student with relatively few job opportunities and often a distorted or ultra-liberal view of the world. Students incur an average debt in excess of $25,000 for attending college, and these college majors can leave such students without the ability to pay off their loans, which are typically not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

    Adding insult to injury, liberal colleges have begun charging students more if they decline one of the Worst College Majors, and study something of value instead...

  16. Government programs are all about vote buying.

    Yes, and women's votes can be bought easily and reliably.

    For all the negatives of 'The Life of Julia', that piece of vote-buying is what won Obama the election.

    Too many women actually want the government to play the role portrayed in 'The Life of Julia'.

  17. government subsidies for college are largely subsidies for women.

    70-80% of ALL government spending is a transfer from men to women.

    SS & Medicare are very lopsided in terms of who pays into them (men) and who withdraws from them (women).

    62% of government jobs are held by women, particularly the paper-pusher jobs.

  18. kmg: "62% of government jobs are held by women"

    Can you tell me where you found that statistic? Does it include all levels of government? civilian and military? Does it include public school teachers?

  19. Because the government has so greatly interfered with the education market, it's likely that those black women wasted four or more years of their lives and are burdened with large student loans.


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