
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston, R.I.P

Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl in 1991...... What a voice.  It doesn't get any better than this......


  1. So sad. I remember when she first came on the scene with that voice.

    She's been such a mess over the past decade, it was only a matter of time. Such a waste.

  2. Whitney Houston's death is a terrible tragedy. She had such a beautiful voice. Her music videos when she first became famous show a young, beautiful, happy woman who seemed to be having the time of her life. Since then, she had drug, marital, and financial problems that she never was able to get under control. It really is sad.

    Perhaps, Whitney would have been saved if the First Lady had been campaigning against drug use rather than promoting "eat your fruits and vegetables." Oh wait, "just say no to drugs" has already been done. Apparently, government spending in advocating personal responsibility just does not work.

  3. It is very sad she died so young. As a admittedly casual fan of her work, I must say that I did find comfort in her songs when I was stressed.

  4. Greg - liberals don't believe is saying no to drugs. All the polling shows that.

  5. Was she the last one to sing this at a public gathering as if she respected it and understood it significance?

    And I will disagree a bit with a common note today.

    Her death is not the tragedy--indeed it might be a blessing.

    The tragedy is what the drugs did to her.

  6. Whitney Houston, like Michael Jackson before her, died young.

    But neither produced much musical output after age 40, and was unlikely to produce any more.

    Perhaps drugs stifle creativity?

  7. Damned disappointed I am...

    Like most I'm sad about how it all turned out for her and due to her life choices...

  8. Amazingly well sung. I wish all the people who sang the anthem sang it like that, and I wish all the Superbowl crowds looked that patriotic.

    Alas, these days we get Steven Tyler and other horrendous singers making ruining both the anthem and the half time shows...

  9. You can thank Bobby Brown for ruining this poor girl.

  10. You can thank Bobby Brown for ruining this poor girl.

    So you don't think women are adults, responsible for their own actions?

    Whitney was older than Bobby Brown, even.

    You are a misogynist who infantilizes women and disempowers them.

  11. So you don't think women are adults, responsible for their own actions?

    Is this from the same person who on an earlier thread likened adult women to 12 year old boys?

    PFCT, I'm far from a liberal but where liberals and I agree (mostly) is on drug laws. Saying "no" to drugs is very different from criminalizing the sale and consumption of them. I have always said "no" to drugs, but I (along with liberals) support decriminalization of them.

  12. Absolutely the best rendition of the National Anthem I've ever heard, hands down. I've said it to anyone who'll listen since she sang it.
    As to drugs: drugs don't kill anyone who choose not to use/abuse them. It is important to not separate the affects of drugs from the choice a person makes. Society, Bobby Brown, national drug policy, political parties, race and gender issues, etc cannot force someone to use drugs against their will. Whitney Houston, as so many famous and not-so-famous people before her, destroyed herself. And that as they say, is the end of it.

  13. Methinks,

    Apparently you don't see the contradiction in your opposing both of those statements.

    Either women are 'adults', or they are not. Pick one.

    You can't be someone who excuses women from responsibility when things go wrong, but then proclaim that women are equally capable of running a corporation as men.

    So pick one. Are women 'adults', or are they not?


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