
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

South Carolina is No. 1 State for Auto Exports

Following up on this recent CD post about BMW exporting 70% of its U.S.-made vehicles at its South Carolina plant, comes this report:
"South Carolina reclaimed its lead as the No. 1 exporter of vehicles in 2011, outranking Michigan, and became the top exporter in the nation of tires, officials said Tuesday. Exports from the state jumped 21.4 percent in 2011 compared to the previous year. 

Automobile exports from South Carolina jumped 52 percent in 2011, surpassing Michigan for the No. 1 spot among automobile exporters. South Carolina previously ranked first in auto exports in 2009, based on the export of BMW automobiles from the German automaker’s Upstate manufacturing plant."

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  1. probably BMW.

    but there is another ongoing issue that may (or may not) have consequences for import/export for the US and it's port cities and that is Panamax.

    existing ports that are not sized for Panamax risk losing out to ports that are able to accommodate Panamax.

  2. As ocean carriers seek economies of scale in their operations, the ability to work ships too large to transit the current Panama Canal is a key factor. With the deepest water in the Southeast, the Port of Charleston is one of only three East Coast ports able to work fully-loaded post-Panamax ships without tidal restrictions. Charleston routinely works 6,700teu ships and has worked vessels of up to 8,000teu. -- Port Charleston

    Port Charleston requires periodic dredging, but the Obama administration has been putting off a decision to deepen the port and holding back funding to the Army Corps of Engineers putting export and job growth in jeopardy.

    It's understandable, Obama has a lot of cronies to feed at companies like Solyndra and there is only so much of "other peoples money" to go around. At least until the rich start paying their "fair share".

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. But isn't this raising the price of the cars we drive. Aren't these greedy car companies producing cars then exporting them which reduces supply in the U.S. thus raising our prices? This is what the Obama administration tells me about gas prices.

  5. Junkyard: "But isn't this raising the price of the cars we drive. Aren't these greedy car companies producing cars then exporting them which reduces supply in the U.S. thus raising our prices? This is what the Obama administration tells me about gas prices."

    Yeah, but some exports are a good thing.

    I guess it depends on the Liar-In-Chief's target audience.

  6. BMW is a leading automotive company. it has its own goodwill in automotive market.About survey sales report of BMW motors, we can make out that sales of BMW motors was very less upto 21.4% but in this year the sales of BMW motor company sales jumped upto 21.4% just like rocket, that proves that BMw has earned lots of profit in this year comparatively this is show good indication of success from the side of BMW automotive company.
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  7. As we see to survey report of sales there was 70% export of BMW cars in this year as we compared to sales made in previous year.this proves that the big success for this automotive company who was became no.1 company in South Carolina for auto exports. Surely it is a great success for them which achieved by BMW automotive manufacturer.
    Used Motorhomes for Sale


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