
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Markets in Everything: Parking Smartphone App

Futuristic smartphone app from German-based Valeo, Park4U, that actually parks your car for you.

HT: W.E. Heasley


  1. So I can see a whole new venue for tort lawyers with these smart phone apps and cars...

    So many lawsuits, so little time...

  2. I want a phone app that will bathe and dress me in the morning.

    I'm just to stupid and lazy to bathe or park my car.

  3. Awsome.

    I don't doubt the lawyers will show up.

    I don't doubt that lazy people will get lazier.

    I do think this still will have waves of efficienies and reduce the parking spaces needed.

  4. There's a lot more involved here than just a smartphone app.


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