
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Markets in Everything: Linsanity Trademark

Huffington Post -- "Jeremy Lin is going on offense to protect Linsanity. The Knicks sensation this week applied for trademark rights to Linsanity. Lin paid a filing fee of $1,625 to cover use of the trademarked term on all manner of apparel, including underwear. In a detailed listing of goods, the filing seeks to protect its use on everything from action figures to beverage sleeves and backpacks.

According to the document, Lin filed his application on Feb. 13, several days after two California men entered the cash-in derby to trademark Linsanity. Lin's move with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office could also jeopardize an online venture of one of the men, Andrew Slayton. By selling "Linsanity" T-shirts on his website (see photo above), Slayton is playing fast and loose with certain protections, trademark attorney Josh Gerben said. He believes the marketing tactics of Slayton and his website potentially violate the trademark rights of the New York Knicks and the publicity rights of Lin, whose sudden success with the Knicks has generated the term Linsanity."


  1. I wonder if anyone has copyrighted "Tebowing" yet?

  2. On Oct. 27, Jared Kleinstein DBA Tebowing applied to trademark the term for "Hats; Shirts; T-shirts; T-shirts for our website" (operated by Tebowing LLC) is already enforcing its trademark, sending cease and desist letters to other manufacturers.


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