
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Romney 2:1 Favorite over Santorum for Michigan

After dropping to 45% a few days ago, Romney's current Intrade odds to win the Michigan primary are at about 68%, compared to 35% odds for Santorum. 


  1. President Barack Obama trails three of the four Republican candidates in head-to-head match-ups if the election were held today, according to a new Iowa Poll.

    The Republican with the biggest lead: Ron Paul, who would defeat Obama by 7 percentage points, 49 percent to 42 percent. Rick Santorum, winner of the 2012 Iowa caucuses, leads Obama 48 percent to 44 percent. Mitt Romney, edged in the caucuses by Santorum, leads Obama 46 percent to 44 percent. -- Demoine Register

    Obama carried Iowa by 10 percent of the vote in 2008.

  2. Ron Paul is an interesting candidate--if he would just lose the gold nut stuff.

  3. If there's anything we learned about Iowa, is that it is truly worth flying over.

  4. In a week when much of the national media attention on former Sen. Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign focused on his views on contraception, the Gallup tracking poll showed Santorum’s support among women increasing by 12 points, vaulting him into a 10-point lead among women over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney …

    In the week of Feb. 13-19, according to Gallup’s presidential primary tracking poll of registered Republican voters and Republican-leaning independents, Santorum led Romney 34 percent to 29 percent among men and 36 percent to 26 percent among women …

    In Gallup’s previous week of polling–Feb. 6-12–Romney had led Santorum among men by 32 percent to 28 percent, and among women by 36 percent to 24 percent. -- CNS News h/t HotAir

    I thought that all this talk about contraception and abortion was supposed to hurt Santorum with regard to women supporting him? I guess that they didn't get the message from AIG.

  5. Well after the uh, "irregularities" in the votes at Iowa and Maine and Nevada, I'd say it would be pretty stupid to put your money on anyone but the RNC (Romney Nominating Committee) choice. Santorum is a sideshow. He doesn't have a single delegate in TN. The bailout banksters back Romney 6:1 over Obama (and many times more than that vs. Republican competitors). The handwriting is on the wall. The fix is in. Intrade knows it (77% chance). If Santorum had another name, like say Paul for example, his paltry 9% odds would be quickly called "unelectable". Except his is a sideshow with purpose.

  6. "I thought that all this talk about contraception and abortion was supposed to hurt Santorum with regard to women supporting him? I guess that they didn't get the message from AIG."

    Gallup polling of Republicans. Yes, if you pander to the base, you will get their vote. I'd like to see him run on his platform to attract independents.

  7. "Gallup polling of Republicans" -- AIG

    In the week of Feb. 13-19, according to Gallup’s presidential primary tracking poll of registered Republican voters and Republican-leaning independents ...

    First, you learn how to read ...

  8. Well after the uh, "irregularities" in the votes at Iowa and Maine and Nevada, I'd say it would be pretty stupid to put your money on anyone but the RNC (Romney Nominating Committee) choice.

    I agree.

    Santorum is a sideshow. He doesn't have a single delegate in TN.

    He is also one of the dumbest and least sincere politicians. I have no idea why anyone would consider him to be a 'Conservative' when he voted for such a huge increase in government expansion or why anyone would trust him with any power. If he were elected President he would do more harm to the GOP than Bush did.

    The bailout banksters back Romney 6:1 over Obama (and many times more than that vs. Republican competitors). The handwriting is on the wall. The fix is in. Intrade knows it (77% chance). If Santorum had another name, like say Paul for example, his paltry 9% odds would be quickly called "unelectable". Except his is a sideshow with purpose.

    The establishment knows that there is no difference between Mitt, Santorum, Newt, or Obama and would have little trouble with either one of the four stooges as their puppet. The problem is that some time before the election all of the meddling with the economy might fail and many of the bankers could be out on their arses fighting to stay out of jail. That could set the stage for a third party candidate.


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