Monday, April 04, 2011

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

1. Walmart plans to create 10,000 jobs in Chicago by 2015.

2. McDonald's plans to hire 50,000 people this year (thanks to Steve Bartin).


At 4/04/2011 10:53 AM, Blogger Che is dead said...

Good news for Obama and recent college grads. Between working at MacDonald's and volunteering for Obama's reelection campaign they'll be too distracted to think about their futures.

"Since their first day in class, they’ve been pounded by left-wing professors to believe that liberation consists of succumbing to their vices and that any residual unhappiness is the work of evil Republicans or the evil Tea Partyers, who don’t want the nice government to make everyone rich. ..."

"Unemployment was 25.7 in February for teenagers and 15.7 percent for those 20 to 24 years old, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Recent college grads are despairing of landing anything above the fast-food counter, where they face stiff competition from millions of recent immigrants."

"The national deficit is careening upward of $1.6 trillion this year, with a projected debt of $24 trillion by 2021. Those young people applauding Mr. Obama so heartily are the very ones with bull’s-eyes on their backs for ruinous tax increases in their prime earning years. They also are going to find out that Social Security has been a huge Ponzi scheme, with them as the “marks.”

Obama’s energetic war on the young, The Washington Times

At 4/04/2011 10:56 AM, Blogger Hydra said...

Boy, I can hardly wait to get a job.

At 4/04/2011 11:10 AM, Blogger juandos said...

"Good news for Obama and recent college grad..."...

Ahhh, maybe not for Obama so much if the following Reuters opinion piece has any validity: Incomes, not jobs, could sink Obama re-election

At 4/04/2011 11:26 AM, Blogger Benjamin Cole said...

Is this the companion piece to Dr. Perry's recent post extolling the virtues of our trade deficit?

At 4/04/2011 11:28 AM, Blogger Buddy R Pacifico said...

So, McDonald's supersizes its workforce. This is tremendous confidence in the economy and the company. If someone tells you there are no jobs, respond by referring them to the nearest McDonald's by April 13th.

At 4/04/2011 11:55 AM, Blogger Michael Hoff said...

I'll bet CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC, Washington Post, PBS, et. al. are really bashing Obama for creating nothing but burger-flipper jobs. Right? Hello?

At 4/04/2011 3:33 PM, Blogger juandos said...

"I'll bet CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC, Washington Post, PBS, et. al. are really bashing Obama for creating nothing but burger-flipper jobs. Right? Hello"...

LOL! Very good Michael Hoff...

Consider the following: Abu Ghraib vs. The Kill Team Story

What? Haven't heard much if anything about the Kill Team?

How many have seen this in the lamestream media: George W. Bush Reduced CO2 By 21%?

Last but not least, how about those jobs?

Consider California: High speed rail already killing jobs in California

At 4/04/2011 6:44 PM, Blogger Che is dead said...

Not only did George W Bush reduce CO2 by 21% without cap-and-tax, he restored one of the world's greatest environmental treasures.

At 4/04/2011 7:16 PM, Blogger Benjamin Cole said...

Evidently, we are creating construction jobs in Iraq.

"Yesterday, Congressman Jim McDermott told the story of one such incident of military waste in Iraq:

” We are talking about leaving Iraq. But one of the soldiers said to me, if we are getting ready to leave Iraq, why are we still building buildings like that one over there, what are we building for?

It is a really good question. I mean, if you listen to the soldiers, they can see that lots of money is being spent wastefully. There is a tower, a control tower for an airport in Iraq. We spent $14 billion building a control tower for a field where there are two helicopters, two helicopters.

Now, you ask yourself, what was that tower built for and why was it built there? And these kinds of questions aren’t being asked, and I think that’s why it’s important that the budget that the Progressive Caucus is putting out is really raising a whole series of issues, and I think that the members of the caucus, of the larger Democratic Caucus, should think long and hard about how much money is put into the military budget.”

Fourteen billion dollars for a control tower on an airfield where nothing flies other than two helicopters?

Oh, $14 billion for a control tower for an airport with two helicopters. Man, I wish I had a piece of that contract.

At 4/04/2011 8:23 PM, Blogger Hydra said...

McDonalds is promoting their Career track program._

At 4/05/2011 5:36 AM, Blogger niknaknoo said...

We can't ALL work at McDonalds and Walmart.

What we need it PRODUCTIVE jobs that generate wealth rather than consume it.

At 4/05/2011 10:06 AM, Blogger juandos said...

Good point che, I'd forgotten all about the marsh Arabs and their plight due to Saddam's eco raping ways...

Sadyl what passes for news now a days makes remembering some of the small details a bit problematic...

At 4/05/2011 5:19 PM, Blogger Stan said...

If Obama gives you a waiver from his health care wreck, you can afford to hire people.


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