Thursday, March 17, 2011

Coincident Economic Activity Indexes, By State

Coincident economic activity indexes for each U.S. state (and an index for the entire country) were updated today through January by the Philadelphia Fed, and are available online from the St. Louis Fed hereThe chart above compares the economic conditions in the U.S. to the economy of North Dakota. 

Description: "The Coincident Economic Activity Index includes four indicators: nonfarm payroll employment, the unemployment rate, average hours worked in manufacturing and wages and salaries. The trend for each state's index is set to match the trend for gross state product."

HT: CME Group via Twitter


At 3/17/2011 1:21 PM, Blogger Benjamin Cole said...

This charts suggests that when a small state has two Senators, they can grab a large chunk of federal outlays, thus stimulating their state. Especially if they coordinate with Senators from other farm states, making for a bloc of 24 Sanators. That's the Red States Socialist Empire.

North Dakota gets back $1.68 for every dollar they send to DC.

Per capita, North Dakota gets about $6,000 net per capita every year from the federal government.

That is, federal outlays-minus federal taxes per capita run about $6,000 or more now.

When a North Dakota family of four sits down, there is $24,000 of federal lard at the table.

But hey--let's credit their rosy cheeks, and their gung-ho attitude for their great skill in winning the federal lottery.

In truth, North Dakota would just about blow away without constant infusion of federal slop. The state would depopulate--and therein lies the problem. Having created a permanent dependent welfare state, it becomes almost impossible to wean the oversized suckling away from the federal sowteats.

It is ad what has happened to the R-Party and the "right-wing" in America. It used to be Democrats--think rural Congressman LBJ--who pimped money for their districts.
Now the Republicans make LBJ look like a piker.

At 3/17/2011 2:36 PM, Blogger Buddy R Pacifico said...

OK, you decide to head to ND for economic opportunties. Maybe you should decide to live in South Dakota instead. SD tax climate ranked #1 and ND is ranked #20. South Dakota is also loaded with oil and natural gas.

At 3/17/2011 2:55 PM, Blogger Paul said...


Until this past November, the North Dakota Congressional delegation was entirely Democrat.

Now that you know that, read your statements below and behold the Idiocy. I'm sure even you will be taken aback by the avalanche of ignorance.

"That's the Red States Socialist Empire.

North Dakota gets back $1.68 for every dollar they send to DC."


"It is ad what has happened to the R-Party and the "right-wing" in America. It used to be Democrats--think rural Congressman LBJ--who pimped money for their districts.
Now the Republicans make LBJ look like a piker."

At 3/17/2011 3:19 PM, Blogger Benjamin Cole said...

Paul, Paul, Paul-

What's a matter, you didn't like the tough talk about your Texan hero LBJ? Or how about your other hero from your home state, George Bush jr.?

Imagine the waste of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan-Pakistan. Trillions upon trillions of dollars blown through our rear ends.

Texas, which in my last visit looked a lot like northern Mexico, is the biggest winner of all in farmer-lard sweepstakes.

For all the money they get for screwing the public, Texas farmers should wear super high heels, fishnet stockings and a lot of rouge.

At 3/17/2011 3:42 PM, Blogger Paul said...


"What's a matter, you didn't like the tough talk about your Texan hero LBJ?"

No, I was just marveling at your ignorant rants about the GOP lard in an all Democrat Congressional state. Was I not clear enough? Do you ever get tired of making a jackass of yourself on this site?

And I despise LBJ, but you would have voted for him.

"For all the money they get for screwing the public, Texas farmers should wear super high heels, fishnet stockings and a lot of rouge."
Regarding Texas farmers, if you bothered to click deeper into your own link, which I'm sure you didn't, you would have learned "81 percent of farmers in Texas did not collect subsidy payments - according to USDA."

But am I supposed to be injured by this? I have no brief for farm subsisides, and I don't live on a farm. Your boyfriend, however, is a huge Big Ag whore. You should have some pillow talk about this with him. Also, ask him why he rejects the GOP budget cuts.

At 3/17/2011 4:19 PM, Blogger Benjamin Cole said...


Your cruel taunts are stinging barbs.


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