Female-Male Breakdown: College Degrees By Field

The Square Dots blog crunched the data even further, and did a nice breakdown using charts of the percentage of degrees granted for men and women for BA, MA and Ph.D. degrees by field in 2005-2006, using these data. The field most dominated by females for BA degrees was library science at 93% (although only 76 degrees were granted nationally), and the field most dominated by men was construction trades at 95% (although only 141 degrees were granted). See the chart above for BA degrees, click to enlarge, and the charts for MA and Ph.D. degrees are available here.
Some interesting findings from the data are that 59% of accounting degrees (bachelor's) in 2005-2006 were granted to women, but only 35% for finance, and 30.5% for economics. But for development economics, females received 74% of the degrees.
Not even one comment?
Do I detect that we have just entered a minefield? :D
I'm surprised that history is one o the predominantly male degrees. At my alma mater, all the humanities majors including history were predominantly female. The overall student population was balanced but the men tended to major in engineering, econ, mathematical disciplines, and the physical sciences while the women tended to major in the humanities, bio, and the other social sciences.
As a data point, I studied human biology & psychology, and my DH studied Electrical Engineering.
Not so much a mindfield as a tacit acceptance of that which is true. Men gravitate towards the hard sciences and women toward the soft. This is reflected in the "pay gap".
Spot on the nose and leading by a furlong. Just pulling your leg.
Fortunately, I don't even think that anyone, male or female aside from a few aging feminist activists really bother getting their knickers in a twist about this. Thankfully, we seem to have outgrown such trivialities.
I really agree with crimson wife's comment and I am really surprised too. I know a guy called "Mark Collard" who provides excellent training and perhaps awaiting for his new book release named 'Count
Me In: Large Group Activities That Work' perhaps he might a written something in his book regarding this.
When I busy flunking out of Electrical Engineering 20 years ago, the highlight of my day was looking in on the class before diffy q. That class was math for teachers. At OSU the engineering, science and math classes for my major were mostly male.
I'm surprised that history is one o the predominantly male degrees.
I'm not... I studied electrical engineering, and wanted to get a minor in philosophy for two reasons:
1) I like philosophy.
2) To meet girls.
Unfortunately, I hadn't realized how male-dominated philosophy is, so it kind of backfired on that score.
I think history is somewhat similar, in that the people drawn to history often tend to be people drawn to things like military history, and it probably is more heavily male-dominated than other social sciences.
OK, here's a question -- take that same breakdown and sort it by median lifetime pay in each field, and also by median yearly salary in each field.
Anyone want to be that the male dominated fields wind up largely towards the top?
SEXISM!! It's all SEXIST I tell you!!
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