The Rise and Fall of Hillary Clinton's Web Presence

The rise and fall of Hillary Clinton's: a) search volume in the U.S. (top line above), and b) news reference volume (bottom line), according to Google Trends (click to enlarge), over the last 12 months.
Hmmm, I'm not sure Google Trends in a sense asked the right questions so to speak...
I'm thinking if anything the Hillary presense on the net might even be more pervasive than the trends show, than the pundits and newspapers posting on the net show and so forth...
Here's what I'm talking about (thanks to a link from InstaPundit): Hillary Supporters Are Mad and They’re Not Going to Take It Anymore!
I'm a blogger user myself and I'm wondering how many new users signed up to use blogger to express their anger at what they see is a railroading of Hillary by the DNC?
Hilarity who?
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