Monday, April 07, 2008

Don't Like Bush Tax Cuts? Pay at the Clinton Rates

WALL STREET JOURNAL--Senator Clinton's main tax proposal is to repeal the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, raising rates to the levels of the Clinton Presidency. "We didn't ask for George Bush's tax cuts. We didn't want them, and we didn't need them," Mrs. Clinton explained.

But her higher tax rates wouldn't merely hit those who make $109 million; they'd soak middle-class families that make $100,000 or $200,000 a year and hardly feel "rich." If the former first lady feels so strongly that she should pay more taxes, we suggest she lay off the middle class and instead write a personal check to the U.S. Treasury for the difference between the Clinton and Bush tax rates (see 2000 tax rates above). She and her husband can afford it.

Comment: Here is the link to the Treasury's Gifts to the United States Government website for Citizens who wish to make a general donation to the U.S. government. This account was established in 1843 to accept gifts from individuals wishing to express their patriotism to the United States.

Hey, the Clintons could express their patriotism, and their disdain for the Bush tax cuts, at the same time by paying taxes this year at the 2000 rates. For Warren Buffet or anybody else who doesn't like the Bush tax cuts, you do NOT have to pay taxes at those lower rates, you can file taxes for 2007 at the higher Clinton tax rates, shown above!


At 4/07/2008 11:28 AM, Blogger John B. said...

How much do you make? My wife and I make over $200K and, no, we don't feel rich, but we sure don't feel poor, either. We are not struggling to make ends meet and we live in one of the most expensive metro areas in the US. We are not the people who need tax relief. It is incredibly callous and ignorant of you to put people with 6-figure incomes into the ranks of the struggling middle-class.

At 4/07/2008 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$200,000 is pretty high. $100,000 is quite a bit lower and with a few children - and likely living in an expensive metro area with a mortgage on a home that is losing value daily - that is not so much. $100,000 in many areas of the U.S. IS considered middle class.

Perhaps there are enough charitable people like yourself, John B. that feel like giving back to the U.S. government that we won't have to raise taxes. I hope before advocating that we all pay more taxes, that you are in fact donating those extra taxes to our government to set a good example.

At 4/07/2008 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you miss the entire point there JohnB?

If you want to pay more taxes, you can. Go ahead. Give more.

Or shut up.

At 4/07/2008 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 1:03 if you don't like the concept of free speech you are welcome to leave this country at anytime or just shut your pie hole.

john b had a point to make and I am glad he made it. As for you, you contributed nothing.

As a single guy making a little more than 200 a year (and living well below my means) I don't have a problem paying more taxes. If a time comes when I don't like paying taxes in exchange for working and living here I am also free to leave this country.

At 4/07/2008 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU might not have a problem in paying more taxes, but as someone who makes far, far below what you make, and hopes to make as much as you one day through my own hard work and successful investments, I have a problem with you paying more taxes. Mainly, because I see far more advantage for myself in you spending your money on products that I might sell or benefit from the sale of, or investing your money in companies that I might run, work for or own stock in myself...rather than forking it over to the government.

At 4/07/2008 3:37 PM, Blogger juandos said...

john b. sounding much like Bill Clinton (not a good thing if you haven't already guessed that) says: "We are not the people who need tax relief"...

So john b., I'm guessing you volunteered to pay more, right?

Then we have this clown anon @ 2:46 PM sounding oh so kostard with his/her, "if you don't like the concept of free speech you are welcome to leave this country at anytime or just shut your pie hole"....

Hey anon @ 2:46 PM, don't let the door hit you in the A$$ on the way out to some socialist paradise of your choosing...

anon @ 2:46 PM goes on to bury his foot deeper in his/her mouth with the following: "I don't have a problem paying more taxes."...

I guess you too volunteered to pay more also, right?

Thankfully someone posted the The Liberal Lexicon so I can make sense of what you are trying to say...

At 4/08/2008 7:49 AM, Blogger OBloodyHell said...

> "We didn't ask for George Bush's tax cuts. We didn't want them, and we didn't need them," Mrs. Clinton explained.

Speak for yourself... bitch

At 4/30/2008 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. The next time Warren Buffet babbles on about how Americans should pay more in taxes, I'm going to write him a letter, a letter explaining that he is more than welcome to pay taxes. The rest of us who bust our asses and make less than $50k a year while he sits in his office making investment decisions over the phone will continue to pay a still too-high amount. And the "Bush Tax Cuts" has actually increased the overall tax burden of the wealthiest 10% while decreasing it for the "bottom" 65%. Just in case any Clinton-apologist socialist moron decides to crap on the tax reform.


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