Look Out Big Mac, Now There's a World Beer Index
The average Indian has to work more than 6 hours to earn enough money to buy a beer, whereas it takes a U.S. worker only 10 minutes, and an Italian worker only 9 minutes, according to a beer affordability index compiled by global beer giant SAB-Miller. Based in South African, SAB-Miller is one of the world’s largest brewers, with brewing interests and distribution agreements in over 60 countries across six continents.Read a news report here. Read a previous post on the Big Mac Index here, and a previous post on iPod parity here.Thanks to Sanil Kori.
while fun and amusing, this article is clearly misleading -- not to mention unscientific.
i'd hardly consider it an economic indicator and barely worth the time it took me to read.
Funny big A for something hardly worth reading it was still something worth commenting on...LOL!
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my time was not expended commenting on the article content, it was commentary directed to our esteemed host. but publicly. =)
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