More on Women in Global Management
According to the 2007 Grant Thorton International Business Report, the percentage of women in senior managerial positions globally has grown slightly from 19% to 22% since 2004. The Philippines comes out top with 50% of managerial positions being held by females, ahead of Brazil (42%) and two other Asian countries - Thailand (39%) and Hong Kong (35%). Lowest in the table is Japan with just 7%, below three European countries Luxembourg, Germany and the Netherlands at 10%, 12% and 13% respectively (see chart above, click to enlarge).The EU's proportion of women in senior management has remained static at 17%, while NAFTA's figure has increased from 20% to 23%.Note that the graph in my previous posting based on the The Economist is slightly inaccurate, because it shows the U.S. about 4 percentage points below the global average, when it is actually 1% above the global average of 22%.
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