The New Age of Natural Gas
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A new technique being used to drill through a type of rock known as shale has led to a surge in domestic natural gas production over the last three years and enabled the United States to overtake Russia recently as the world's No. 1 producer of natural gas.
As a result, we are seeing a remarkable turnabout in energy geopolitics: as U.S. natural gas reserves have soared thanks to advanced drilling methods, Russia's goal of establishing a world gas cartel patterned on OPEC has collapsed.
How big of a development is this?
Find out here in Investor's Business Daily.
Don't worry...Congress will stop the drilling....
Do we now catch the Dutch Disease as the *booming sector* has shifted from nederLand to homeBoyLand? Will our *lagging sector* exude more protectionism, more fodder for our ever expanding growth industry of Lobbyists? Would it be better choice for America the Beautiful to simply *Cap* our carbon resource with heavy tax, cap out flatus safely back into the ground for future emergency military use?
U B Judge
U B Thurgood
Article says huge amounts of gas coming from New York, PA, TX, and LA.
Truth is huge anounts are coming from TX already (Barnett Shale), and starting to ramp up big in TX and LA (Eagle Ford and Haynesville shale). Marcellus Shale in PA is also getting ready to pop, but Marcellus shale in NY is going nowhere since state won't issue drilling permits.
Also, they are getting oil from Bakken Shale in ND, gas from Fayetteville shale in AR, and gas from Woodford shale in OK. There are 5 or 6 other shales with some level of drilling, including in WV (Marcellus) and TN (Chattanooga). Also one emerging in Canada (Horn River.)
This is great news as long as it doesn't conflict with existing political interests.
However, the largest amounts of gas are coming from Washington D.C.--in the vacinity of the Hill.
It s all fake about US Shale gas reserves (reason: to bring gas prices down , so to hurt/harm gas exporters/russian exports-- Utopia States of Americas
None of these enormous shale gas reserves are coming online at current prices. Finding costs are too high for $4/mcf natural gas. Plus, LNG imports are going to keep these reserves in the ground for the foreseeable future. A large portion of the wells being drilled now are simply for lease maintenance purpose. The Eagleford Shale will see development since there are significant oil reserves associated with the reservoir.
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