Monday, August 13, 2007

Yes, There's Still a Large Pay Gap.... For MEN Now!

From the NY Times (subscription required):

"Young women in New York and several of the nation's other largest cities who work full time have forged ahead of men in wages, according to an analysis of recent census data.

A recent study shows that women of all educational levels from 21 to 30 living in New York City and working full time made 117 percent of men's wages, and even more in Dallas, 120 percent (see chart above for NYC, 1970-2005, click to enlarge)."

Why the pay gap..... for MEN?

"Women have been graduating from college in larger numbers than men, and that many of those women seem to be gravitating toward major urban areas. In 2005, 53% of women in their 20s working in New York were college graduates, compared with only 38% of men of that age. And many of those women are not marrying right after college, leaving them freer to focus on building careers."

MP: Just wondering if Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who represents NYC and has long been an advocate of gender equity, will be as concerned about this pay gap for NYC men as she has been when there was a pay gap for women?

Other news stories appear
here in the Star Tribune, and here in the Gothamist.

(Thanks to Sanil Kori)


At 8/13/2007 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article is interesting, although it would be more even-handed to note that the research cited also stated that a pay gap still exists amongst men and women of equal educational background's. This means that men with college degrees still outearn women with college degrees.

At 8/14/2007 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This means that men with college degrees still outearn women with college degrees."

With the same majors and experience?

At 8/14/2007 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats the point, the article fails to disclose all of the facts and figures required to make any assertions.


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